Couples Therapy

Trauma1Their relationship just wasn’t working.

So, Jeff* and Amanda* decided to live apart.

For Jeff, the change felt good at first.

But as the space between them started growing, it felt worse and worse.

It wasn’t always this way.

They were high school sweethearts who lived on the same street. So, Jeff’s family knew Amanda’s, and Amanda’s family knew Jeff’s.

They dated for almost eight years before tying the knot.

As they got closer and closer, they made plans for their future: their jobs, their home… their children.

According to Amanda, things were “rosy” all the way through…

Until about a year into the marriage…

That’s when Jeff got deployed. While he was away, Amanda started a causal relationship that turned romantic.

When Jeff found out, the relationship turned sour.

They battled through the tension, the arguments, and the broken trust. Jeff eventually forgave Amanda, but Amanda didn’t seem to forgive herself.

No matter how often they tried to reconcile and rediscover what was lost, they could never return to “rosy.”

Couples Img 2Jeff would do anything to turn back the clock.

So, he reached out for help and scheduled an initial session.

Both were initially doubtful that things would work out, but they persisted. The couple understood that for couples therapy to work, they had to be willing and open-minded.

In therapy, I created a non-critical environment that allowed each to have a voice. They were able to hear and truly understand each other, which gave them the space to heal and reconcile.

It wasn’t easy, but they’re still together today… happy as ever.

Your relationship is worth saving!

Whether it’s infidelity, poor communication, or just “growing apart”…

In the therapy space, you can explore the root of your troubles. When you truly understand what’s causing your distress, you’ll regard your partner with compassion, and intimacy can be restored.

I’ve helped many couples like Jeff and Amanda and can help you, too!

Let’s discuss it. Call today, and we’ll set up your free consultation: (210) 917-0548.

*The name and story above are a composite narrative and do not reflect actual clients.